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The Leadership Development Academy Discipline Content

The Leadership Development Academy offers six key business management disciplines that have been designed and written by experienced business leaders for people who are serious about their business.

Our Business Management Courses

Active Leadership

Challenges leaders and aspiring leaders to think about the essential characteristics that enable them to lead in the face of uncertainty.

Financial Awareness

Demonstrates the importance of understanding financial information in locating and driving improvement in investment and operating performance.

Marketing in Practice

Explores lifetime customer value and how your service offering truly differentiates itself in the eyes of your existing and target customers.

Customer Engagement

Forces you to review how customer centric your business really is and how this is evidenced through your actions and those of your people.

Leading Sales

Questions how seriously we take our selling activities and identifies the support and direction needed if they are to be fully leveraged.

Coaching in Leadership

Makes it clear that business performance is inextricably linked to a leader’s ability to engage and develop the people they lead.

Each of the six disciplines consists of six modules that are each completed over a 3-5 week period. The modular style means that learning can be tailored to individual development needs, prioritised to align with business demands and scheduled to fit around working and personal commitments. 

The Leadership Development Academy Difference

To embed new learning, build confidence and bring about behavioural change, each module contains practical work-based assignments and each learner is supported by their own business coach.

Classroom and forum for
online working

Assignments and workbooks for offline working

Business Coaching to experiment and embed new learning